Welcome to my home​ - Where hospitality is the Southern way!​​
Love is the Answer. Giving Evidence of Heaven on Earth.

Life is beautiful but when you lose a loved one, it can change everything and rock your whole world. Take heart that your loved ones are still with you in spirit admiring us from heaven and concerned about our welfare. They are at peace now with God. However, we are still here on this physical plane left to handle some of life’s hardships and difficulties. Our loved ones understand this and love us even more now since they are in a place of unconditional love.

As an evidential psychic medium, I was born with this God-given gift to sense your loved ones around you and communicate with them in a conversation just like they were in the room, and they are. I get evidential information that only you and your crossed-over loved one would know. Whether it be a piece of jewelry described, a family Bible with a special religious bookmark in it, a reference to a high school prom photo where your grandmother helped dress you, or they may point you to a memory from your childhood that you and they only know about… however the evidence comes through, your loved ones that have crossed over know exactly what to say to you so you know it is them!

 Your loved ones still maintained their personality, memories, and that special emotional connection with you from heaven. My job as an evidential psychic medium is to “paint their personality” back to life so you can undeniably know who it is coming through, get unshakable evidence that their soul is alive and well, why they are here with you today, and what personal message of love they have just for you.

Please know you have a “support team” in heaven of loved ones past, friends and family, and even pets! Your loved ones want to get you a personal message. Think about it… how rare it is for them to speak through someone that has this gift? To relay their messages of love, hope, and support.

That loving bond is NEVER broken. So when you miss someone that has crossed over, think of the love you still have for them and that love pulls them close to you. They are just a thought away!

"We All Have a Fan Club in Heaven!" (TM)

The South's Most-Loved Medium, Tamara Caulder Richardson

Be a Fan! Join my newsletter, and
find out about events in your area.

Hi Y'all, 

Join my newsletter to find out when I will be in your area offering my medium demonstration, "Messages from Heaven", or speaking on various topics from my near-death experiences, to offering self-help, spiritually enlightening workshops, and seminars. 

Also, occasionally I offer holiday reading discounts and announce special events. 

God loves each and every one of us. And one day, we will be able to see your spirit family and friends in Heaven again! What a reunion that will be. 

Till then just know, "We All Have a Fan Club in Heaven!"  

Love to you!

Tamara Caulder Richardson, 6x NDEr, is speaking at the 3rd Annual Near-Death Online Experience Summit - August 1-2, 2020. Come join me, let's chat about the afterlife... and it's FREE!

My near-death experience story is here:

August 15-16, 2020    Living Women's Expo - Little Rock, Arkansas
​at Arkansas State Fair Complex

Come listen to Tamara Caulder Richardson, AKA; “The Southern Belle Medium” ® - give healing messages from loved ones that have crossed over. Tamara will be performing several live medium demonstrations offering healing messages called, “Southern Comfort from Heaven,” on the Main Stage each day. Each of Tamara’s shows is different so plan to attend more than one demonstration and experience this amazing ability for yourself. Who knows, you may be one of the lucky ones to receive a personal message. Please be sure to come a few minutes early to get a good seat for these events. Remember to have an open heart when wanting a message. Know that the love we share in this world and the next is eternal. "Just Know... We All Have a Fan Club in Heaven!"

Tamara's Stage Schedule:

Saturday, August 15, 11:00 am and 4:00 pm
Sunday, August 16, 1:00 pm 

Tamara Caulder Richardson, The Southern Belle Medium™, will have an exhibit booth located near the stage. She will be offering at her exhibit booth, 30-minute limited medium/life path readings (first come, first serve), IN-PERSON, or over Zoom, (included is a free recording of the reading if done online), for ONLY $165! Note: Up to (3) family members in a reading welcomed.

For more info go to: https://www.womenslivingexpo.com/

Sign-up below and see Tamara and other near-death experiencers speak on an array of spiritual topics including their own NDE story!

When your loved one crosses-over to the other side, their souls are free to evolve into the next phase of consciousness. So, what happens when we transition? Is there an afterlife? Is Heaven real? Is God real? 

Come hear me speak about my six near-death experiences, as well as other near-deathers tell their experiences too. We will also be taking questions and giving our heartfelt responses. 

​When: August 1-2, 2020

So, sign-up for the Third Annual Online Near-Death Experience Summit brought to you by near-death experiencer and author of "Angels in the Or", our host - Tricia Barker.

The live event is FREE! Sign-up below!


Featuring YouTube Original Shows Hosted by,
Tamara Caulder Richardson

Join syndicated radio host Jeanie Brosis King as she interviews and co-hosts with Tamara Caulder Richardson, the Southern Belle Medium, each week as they discuss an array of spiritually awakening topics, and real-life issues facing each of us and our families today.  Each month on the show, Tamara will also be doing live medium readings to offer comfort to those that have lost loved ones.

To be considered for a reading, contact us at: southernbellemedium@gmail.com 

Showtimes: Wednesdays, 8pm EST / 7 pm Central
The near-death phenomenon is intriguing to so many. It uncovers the mystery that all waits for us one day. Host and six-time near-death experiencer, Tamara Caulder Richardson, will be interviewing fellow near-death experiencers asking deeply revealing questions about their close encounters with the other side. Such questions are what they have learned from their near-death experience, and do they believe in a God or not, did they receive any after effects, and why do they feel they were brought back again to this world. 

Showtimes: Thursdays 8 pm EST / 7 pm Central

Announcing Two Schools of Thought -
Enlighten University & Christ Academy of Love

Enlighten University is an online school for advanced spiritual studies. This school that was created and designed for the truth seekers, the ones that view themselves as seeing the world differently, the ones that crave answers to the mysteries of life - such as why one is here, who are we really and how we are an interconnected by the love of God. If this sounds intriguing, it is. Much of the content has been channeled by the higher Divine realms of existence. 

And designed for your own time and schedule for you to enjoy and learn from! 

From courses on - Soul Discovery, Love & Joy, Grief Relief, Divine Awareness, Igniting your Intuition, to Understanding Role of God's Holy Angels in your life, and more.

Coming soon... you will experience a new level of spiritual discovery and soul development! 

"Enlighten U" - Evolve Your Life, Embrace Your Path and Enlighten Your Soul 

Christ Academy of Love - School of Yeshua, was created by and for my best friend and savior, Jesus, which I also call my "business partner." He was the one who resurrected me in my six near-death experiences. One of my near-death experiences when I was five-years-old - after dying from pneumonia and being dead at least 15-minutes, I was brought back to life and then put into an induced coma at the hospital. My body lay there asleep but my spirit was in Heaven with my Lord in a place that looked like, "paradise." I spent three days in Heaven with Jesus while I was in the coma. Jesus is very special to me. I give my life to Him and love Him so much. He is the reason for everything.

Since 2015, Jesus has wanted me to offer channeled classes and give His messages to students of life. I have been channeling Jesus for some time but only until recently, I decided to come forward publically to offer Christ's channeled messages through this free and subscription-based website. I also offer Christ-Channeled private reading sessions. 

Also, see my YouTube channel (Christ Academy of Love) to see past life channeled messages, “Jesus Speaks”:

As Jesus told me in Heaven and still does,

"Be love, give love and receive love. For, in the end, that is all that truly matters."

Christ Academy of Love

Howdy Y'all, 

Thanks for stopping by on my website for a while. Hey, be sure to check-in regularly 'cause I have a lot of new products and events coming your way. Y'all come back again, ya hear?! And, "Just Know... We All Have a Fan Club in Heaven!" 

God bless and love,

Tamara Caulder Richardson, The Southern Belle Medium

Evidential Psychic Medium and Divine Messenger
